This will see the beta open up to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, alongside being available to PC players. The beta will give players a taste of the immense Fleet Carrier mega-ships before their official release in June.
A lot has changed since the initial beta that took place earlier this year in April. Frontier Developments has taken feedback from the community to build upon its foundation for this upcoming beta.
Per Frontier Developments, these are the changes players can expect:
Universal Cartographics will be available as an optional service on Fleet Carriers. Fleet Carrier owners will have access to shipyard and outfitting for stored items on their carrier, without enabling the full service. Reduced the amount of Tritium, the special fuel that powers up the Fleet Carriers’ jump drive, consumed with each jump by around half. Decommissioning a carrier will now refund the full cost of a carrier, minus a static fee for voluntary decommissioning.
Also starting on May 22, Fleet Carriers will be available for the low (low) price of 1 million credits. Frontier said the discount is to allow a majority of the player-base the opportunity to adopt more star crafts. The price will be available through May 26.
You can sign up for the beta here for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The official launch of Fleet Carriers into the full game is set for June.
For more on Elite Dangerous, be sure to check out our review. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on Fleet Carriers as it enters our orbit.