How to Unlock the Trading Post in Eiyuden Chronicle Rising

The Trading Post is Hogan the lizard man’s store, and while you arrive in town with Hogan, he won’t set up shop for quite a while. His shop quest unlocks during the Catch That Girl! main quest, after you’ve recruited Garoo and made some progress toward rebuilding the town.

Head to Second Street, and move to the right until you find Hogan. He’ll give you the Go Get My Treasure Chest quest, which – surprise! – involves retrieving Hogan’s treasure chest. The chest in question is deep in the Great Forest, past the Cave Signpost save and fast travel point. From the signpost, follow the path to the right, and stick to the high ground path.

Eventually it leads you outside, where you’ll find the blue chest sitting on the path with a blue quest marker over it.

Grab it, leave the forest, and head back to Hogan. The Trading Post opens once you’ve completed the quest and has a decent supply of items, including lumber, meat, stone, ore, and crystals.

Most common items, such as ore and lumber, you can get for trading money and a few of a different common item (such as ore and lumber). Other items, including those added when you upgrade the shop such as crystals, meats, and fruits, require a certain number of stamps before you can obtain them.

And there are still more key items, such as fish, still have to be obtained in the wild, regardless of the shop’s upgrade level.

How to Upgrade the Trading Post in Eiyuden Chronicle Rising

Upgrading the it involves completing more of Hogan’s quests. The first one, Where Is Sarita, unlocks during the On The Other Side main quest. It’s the 11th main quest in the game, so you won’t see it for a little while after the store unlocks.

That’s all you need to know about the Trading Post in Eiyuden Chronicle Rising, but make sure to check out our other Eiyuden Chronicle Rising guides for more tips and tricks.