Congress has 11 MLAs in the 40-part Goa Assembly.

As per sources each of the eight MLAs, who are set to join the BJP, are in the Assembly complex to do the customs.

The gathering is going by Michael Lobo and Digambar Kamat against whom the Congress had recorded preclusion before the Speaker for purportedly attempting to part the party.

Prior, on two events their endeavors to join the BJP flopped because of early intercession of Congress senior pioneers and as they couldn’t deal with the numbers a subsequent time.

On July 10, 2019, during the last term of the BJP government, 10 MLAs of the Congress alongside Leader of Opposition Chandrakant Kavalekar had changed to the BJP.

Be that as it may, Kavalekar and other six lawmakers lost the Assembly political race held in February 2022.

— Postoast (@postoast) September 14, 2022

The episode of Leader of Opposition joining the decision crease had welcomed anger and analysis from the segment of society.