ESpalding - Hello Ryan! Thanks for giving me this interview. Others at GameSkinny have been interested in Political Animals for a while now so I’m sure they, and our interested readers, will love to hear a bit more about it. Could you just give me a little introduction to yourself and your studio, please?

ES -  Prison Architect?! Oh right! I’ve played it before! Great to meet someone who worked on it!

So, let’s get straight down to business and talk about your game. Where did the inspiration for Political Animals come from?

ES - Why did you decide to use animals instead of making it true to life and use humans?

ES - Visually, Political Animals looks a lot different from other political games and some might say that the art style might not fit the idea behind the game. What made you decide to go with a cartoon style of graphics?

ES - The game is being published by Positech Games, the developers behind the Democracy series and Big Pharma. How did you come to choose to work with Cliff Harris, owner and CEO of Positech, and was it an easy decision to make?

ES - Is EGX the first time you have shown the game? If not, where else have you been with it?

ES - How has the reaction been over the EGX weekend?

ES - Well, thanks for giving our readers a little bit of information about how Political Animals came to be. I’d like to finish the interview with a little light-hearted question: Knowing personalities for each character in the game, which do you think you most identify with?

ES - I think I would be similar. That or a hard-working Donkey who isn’t afraid to do the work herself and be a working class person turned politician for the people!

There have been no release dates confirmed for Political Animals but Ryan told me that they are hoping to release around the date of the US General Election.