eBay Return Policy

As a buyer, if your purchased product is either damaged, does not match the initial description provided by the seller, or is the wrong item, you can use eBay’s return policy. eBay ensures that if the product has any of the faults mentioned above, you will receive a complete refund whether or not the seller is willing to offer a replacement or refund your money.

As a seller, if the item that you have sold is broken/damaged, does not match the initial description at the time of offer and sale, or is the wrong item, you must take the item back whether or not you have a no return policy. However, if both parties are willing to cancel the purchase or settle for a replacement eBay can help settle the issue. If you want the product back, the buyer has full authority on whether or not they are willing to give it up after the purchase. 

Steps to return a purchased item for Buyer

Firstly, locate the item in your Purchase History and find the option for returning the item. Choose the reason why you want to have this item returned. In the situation of a broken, faulty, or disfigured item, take at least 10 images and or videos highlighting the faults in the item. Carefully mention all the issues and DO NOT omit any fault that you have found. After making sure all points of interest have been covered, hit send.

After making the initial report of the problems, the seller has 3 business days to contact you about the reason and issues in the product. Past the 3 days, if the seller does not contact you, you will have other options opened up to you depending on the terms of the policy of the company regarding the product in question.

Conditions and Exclusion from Money Back Guarantee

If you want to return an item after changing your mind about the purchase, the seller may or may not accept the return. Any replacement regarding the item is also up to the seller, provided the item is intact and working. The period during which the buyer may want to return may vary between 15 to 35 business days. 

After both parties have decided that the item should be returned, the buyer must pack the item with care to ensure that the item does not get damaged during shipping. Should the item sustain damage during shipping, the seller may make a partial refund or no refund at all depending on the damage. If the seller has sent an item that is unacceptable and is not willing to provide a replacement or offer a refund, they lose their right to use carry out transactions on eBay and they may face further actions based on their past activity.

Buyers may or may not be covered under eBay Money Back Guarantee Policy. To be eligible under that policy you must make the payment in advance via:

Debit or credit cardPayPal Google Pay or Apple PayeBay gift card, voucher, or eBay bucks.

Do note, that bank transfer, cash, money orders, escrow services are excluded from the list of eligible payment methods.

Some excluded items are:

Real EstateWebsites and businesses Digital content, NFTs including physical items combined with or attached to NFTs and othersServicesTravel tickets or vouchers

Sending and Tracking your Return Item(s)

Upon acceptance of the return request, you will receive a return shipping label from the seller or eBay itself. If you have to buy one yourself, eBay will refund the cost of said label. Along with the label, you will also receive the last date for returning the item after which if you have not shipped the item your return request, as well as the refund, will be canceled.

Make sure to add a tracking number to your request so that both parties stay updated on the whereabouts of the item.

It is of utmost importance that the returning item is safely packaged as any damages to the item that occur are the liability of the buyer and it is their responsibility that the item is safely packaged for shipping. This could result in a loss of refund or only a partial refund by the seller.

Avoiding Abuse 

If a buyer has continuously misused the Money Back Guarantee or the Abusive Buyer Policy, they may receive a warning, their refund request may be blocked, or they may be expelled from the platform itself. One or more of the actions may be taken depending on the seriousness of the abuse. Some activities that can get you blacklisted are:

· Opening duplicate requests using other buyer protection programs

· Collaborating with a seller to have a wrongful value of an item declared for the customs office

· After receiving the refund, filing for a chargeback

· Making false claims that an item was not delivered when proof of delivery exists

· False claims about the item’s initial descriptions

· Returning a different item from the one that was delivered

· Using a product and filing for return when accidentally or purposefully damaging it.

  1. Why was my refund less than the amount I paid?

If the item that the buyer shipped for return was damaged, the seller has the right to make a partial refund only.

  1. Can an eBay seller deny a return?

Yes, some sellers may have a no return policy provided that the sold item was in the condition as described when the initial offer was made.

  1. How long does a buyer have to ask for a return?

A buyer can ask for a return anywhere between 15 to 35 working days.