To ship your orders easily across 220+ countries through eBay, all you need is a minimum documentation wish is an IEC (Import Export Code) and then order a product, enter your details for example name, phone number, country, and email id and your order will be delivered to you.

Listed below are some useful benefits that eBay offers. These benefits make eBay stand out as the best delivery app for international orders. 

Integration – eBay makes it very easy to integrate with several leading global markets and provides you with the best product at a very affordable price. Reach – eBay’s reach is the maximum amongst all the other marketplaces which is more than 220 countries and union territories in the world. Tracking – eBay offers unified tracking that is unified tracking. You can track all your shipments in one place. Security – eBay provides security cover against the risk of any loss with claims ranging up to Rs. 5000. Updates – eBay offers instant updates of your shipment via real-time tracking notifications that prevent delays in your delivery. Branded Products – For all you brand addicts, eBay is the best market for you because the products on this app are branded and long-lasting.  Delivery – Through automated shipping workflows, eBay offers the fastest delivery to its customers.

Steps to Order from eBay 

One can not expect a smooth delivery of their products without going through the basic set of instructions before placing an order. Therefore, below is the step-by-step guide before ordering on eBay.

You have to upload your Documentation – By adding the minimum documentation required which is IEC (Import Export Code) code and PAN card for verification.  Add your Order – You will have to add your order to your cart using the seamless website of eBay.  Selection of your Preferred Mode – Now is the time to choose from the shipment modes and speed of delivery that are available based on your serviceability and pin code.  Ship your Order – Here, you will have to download your invoice, generate a label and schedule your pickup. Track your Order – You will get all the tracking details such as tracking no. order no. etc.

Buying from the sellers who use the Global Shipping Program 

If the seller you are buying from is sending your order through the Global Shipping Program, a GSP logo will be visible to you on the listing. 

Once all the payments by you are completed. Your package will be sent to the Global Shipping Centre. From here, it will be delivered to you.  Apart from this, your payment is split into two transactions.

The first payment is directly credited to the seller’s account to cover the price of the item and domestic shipping charges required to send the product to the global shipping center.  The second payment is for the import charges and shipping costs.

After these payments, you will be able to see both the payments on the order details page. 

Where is the cost of International shipping located on the app?

An estimated cost of shipping will be visible in the Shipping and Payments section. In addition to this, these listings include an approximate price of customs and import, if they are applicable. A list of services offered by the seller will be shown to you together with the list of countries that the seller ships to. Although these charges that are visible to you on the listings aren’t final until you make the last payment at checkout. For example, if you changed your delivery address, the charges may differ. So the final cost is visible at the checkout. 

The most beneficial part about ordering from this app is that when you buy a product from a seller who is participating in the Global Shipping Program, you will be able to see the estimate of shipping and import charge along with which, tracking is included too. 


Hence, eBay makes it cheaper for you to order any product and also easy as you will constantly know the current location of your order. This article sums up everything one needs to know about eBay international shipping.

Is eBay international shipping worth it?

You cannot state an answer for this but it entirely depends on your goals and business deals.

How do I avoid import charges on eBay?

There is no direct way to avoid these charges but they can be somewhat less as your seller sells the product through the Global Shipping Programme, you will find the GSP logo

Am I bound to pay customs on eBay?

Yes, every user of eBay has to pay customs, import fees and taxes when their shipment arrives at their doorstep.

Can I cancel my order anytime on eBay?

Yes, eBay offers very convenient methods to cancel your order only before it is shipped. It also gives an option of full or partial refund