They are the Easiest states to home school a child. These states are:

AlaskaIdahoIllinoisIndianaMichiganMissouriNew JerseyOklahomaTexas

Each of these states has different regulations but parents have found them to be less strict and cumbersome. All these states have one thing in common – they do not require a parent to give the school district any notice of the intent to homeschool.


Children of ages 7 to 16 in Alaska are obligated by law to attend a school or be homeschooled. To homeschool in Alaska, you do not have to be a certified teacher or get any approval before you start homeschooling your children. If you are hiring a tutor, the tutor has to be an Alaska-certified teacher. Also, there is no need to remain in contact with the government. You can be on your own completely. You are also not obligated to give tests to your children. Because of these, parents are free to educate their children in whatever way they deem fit. Although, it is important to have a curriculum that will prepare the child for life in college or a future career.


You can homeschool in Idaho without giving tests or providing any information about the homeschool program to the government. However, you are obligated to select an instructor for your children. This instructor can be you, a relative, or anyone else. Some subjects are required by the state and must be taught in the homeschool program. These subjects are language arts and communication, fine arts, science, health, physical education, math, and social studies.  


In Illinois, homeschooling has been made to be equivalent to private schools, and so is treated as such. There is no need to register a home-based private school with the State Board of Education. Parents homeschooling their children in Illinois must teach the following subjects: social studies, math, language arts, physical and biological sciences, physical development, and health. The language for teaching must be English. You also have to pick a name for your home-based private school. There is no required number of hours per day. Conducting tests is also not compulsory.


Indiana also rates homeschools as equivalent to private schools. The minimum required days per year to teach is 180 days. This is the same number of days in public schools. You are required to keep attendance records of each child. Conducting tests is also not compulsory when homeschooling in Indiana.


Homeschools in Michigan can choose to operate between the homeschooling statute or as a nonpublic school. You can also choose to be both. Grade levels and frequency of courses taught are not regulated by the state Board of Education. Tutors are required to have a teaching permit or a B. Sc in Education. They must be certified teachers. There are compulsory subjects to be taught and they are math, science, reading, spelling, civics, history, writing, literature, and English grammar.


Homeschool instructors do not need any special qualifications. Student records must be kept for all homeschoolers under the age of 16. 1000 hours must be spent in the homeschool per term, out of which 600 hours must be used for teaching the required subjects. Student records must include subjects taught, evaluations (test records), and samples of the student work.

New Jersey

It is required that you teach your child with the same curriculum as public schools. Tutors or instructors do not need any special qualificationStudents in the homeschooling program are not required to write tests


Homeschoolers need to be taught for at least 180 days in each school yearThere is no need to conduct tests.


Homeschools are considered private schools and must teach civics, math, reading, grammar, and spelling. It is also mandatory to use a written curriculum.

Conclusion : Easiest states to home school

If you want to homeschool your children, ensure you follow your state board of Education guidelines. Although these states do not require student records, it is important to keep transcript records as they will be needed for college applications in the future.

Is homeschooling legal?

Yes, across the 50 states in the U.S

Can I homeschool my child by myself?

Yes, as long as it is acceptable in the state.